Saturday, December 11, 2010

Technical difficulties

Recently, Agent♥N YoPoint was check back on the history of the website, it accrued that someone had hacked into the site, you should not worry because we have transfered our API key to moder red (its coding?) anyway we changed our password and were safe to go! thank you


Comment Section

Friday, December 10, 2010


Hello everyone!!, YoPoint has put together a little giveaway/contest for you all to enjoy!!
Gift-O-Meter , It will not be started until the 12th of december 2010 6:00pm GMT. 
It doesent matter what time you log on due to diffrent standard of times, But you have to join on the date provided!

How to enter?:
- You can only join in once.

- Put a number between 1-20 beside your 'Christmas comment' and whoever's number is picked randomly will win the gift for that 4th day, We will only be doing the gift-O-meter once every 4 days up until the 24th of December 2010.
Then on the 25th of December 2010 a person will be picked randomly! and they will win the Grand Prize!

Thank You ♥ ,
The Agents<3


Welcome everyone!!

Monday, December 6, 2010


Recently, there has been reports of these ''Glitches'' Happening in Yoville!, Lets take a look!

You should know if the glitch occurs, 
Each person on the first row will have Level 100 achieved already, 
To know that they actually DID NOT reach level 100, check there points, 
Nothing past 32,000 points is not past or close to level 100. 
