Friday, December 10, 2010


Hello everyone!!, YoPoint has put together a little giveaway/contest for you all to enjoy!!
Gift-O-Meter , It will not be started until the 12th of december 2010 6:00pm GMT. 
It doesent matter what time you log on due to diffrent standard of times, But you have to join on the date provided!

How to enter?:
- You can only join in once.

- Put a number between 1-20 beside your 'Christmas comment' and whoever's number is picked randomly will win the gift for that 4th day, We will only be doing the gift-O-meter once every 4 days up until the 24th of December 2010.
Then on the 25th of December 2010 a person will be picked randomly! and they will win the Grand Prize!

Thank You ♥ ,
The Agents<3

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